A Devil with a wedgie. A politician whose career is sponsored by a deodorant company. A khaki wearing, sneaker sporting god. A murdered businessman. A corrupt angel. Nuns who smuggle alcohol. A dying Russian literature professor. Holocaust refugees. A saintly widow. These are but a few of the interesting and often inspiring characters one meets during the utterly hilarious, intellectually stimulating, philosophically rousing, plot-twisting journey that is The Reluctant Messiah. Odd bedfellows to be sure, but each in his or her own way contributes mightily to a series of profound revelations sure to transform one’s understanding of life, death and what it means to be a good person.

PRAISE for Ian Pear's Writing
"Speaks to the heart and is delivered with joy." Former Soviet Dissident, Natan Sharansky
"A refreshing twist for an audience of modern sensibility ... brilliant ... charming ... sincere." The Jerusalem Post
"Ian Pear is not only an extraordinary storyteller; he also has an extraordinary story to tell." New York Times Best-Selling Author Joseph Telushkin
"A valuable insight … relevant to one's life, and a powerful call to action to ensure that such a life becomes relevant to the world around us." Former US Senator Joseph Lieberman
"Easily read and entertaining ... unceasingly optimistic and humanistic ...” Haaretz Newspaper